About Senf
Since Senf was founded, we have grown from an impresario to a versatile company with various partners (the Senf Groep). We collaborate with over fifty theatre producers, companies and artists, such as Van der Laan & Woe, Trend Media (a.o. Juf Roos and Ernst, Bobbie & the rest) and Huub Stapel, as well as producing our own shows these days. Every year, we consequently organise and produce over 5,000 concerts, theatre performances and shows in the Netherlands and Belgium, from the Kleine Komedie to Ahoy and all venues in between.

Our aim
Senf’s aim is to make high-quality productions accessible to the widest possible audience. We do this by offering a diverse and extensive selection of productions every year, in which we always look for a fine balance between urgency and accessibility and between expected quality and a growing share of risk and social participation.
At Senf, we opt for surprising and innovative collaborations and an open dialogue with (young) makers, companies and theatres. Our offices in Delft and Amsterdam are home to a young, energetic and diverse team that daily makes every effort, together with the theatres, to present the most amazing productions to the public.
From using influencer marketing to finding new ways to get our artists on the biggest talk shows in the Netherlands. From digitising our catalogue of productions to creating more user-friendly systems for all the theatres we work with. Senf’s 50-plus employees continue to search daily for new creative opportunities in sales, production, finance, marketing, communications and PR.
HUUB VAN DEN HEUVEL – Director Senf Theatre
Our story